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Deceptive drugs made of fentanyl are killing young people across America at an alarming rate.

Fentanyl is infiltrating our communities through counterfeit pills, cocaine and any other street drug you can name.

Anonymously sold through social media and delivered within minutes. Learn about it now before it kills you or someone you love.

- A film by Dominic Tierno and Christine Wood.

Social Media Victims Law Center is an organization that focuses on the damaging effects social media can have on some of our lives. Parents should be aware of some of the dangers behind social media. One major concern is how these apps are enabling the spread of dangerous drugs like fentanyl, which is resulting in kids dying from drug use. Snapchat is the preferred method for these deals due to the privacy given between users. Snapchat has done little to stop this from happening?

Fentanyl has changed the illicit drug game

Counterfeit pills are everywhere. You can't trust any pill you get online, on social media, or even one from a friend!

Fentanyl is flooding into our country with apparently no way of stopping it, except perhaps by understanding its danger and withdrawing the demand for it.

This book challenges every young person to: Protect Yourself! Nobody else can do it. The book emphasizes the value of each person and the fact that each is irreplaceable to their family, friends, and communities.

With a number of real life stories of fentanyl tragedies, the book offers a variety of instances in which a life is lost. In some cases, it is through substance addiction, in others through experimentation, or accidental ingestion of a single pill. A young reader is encouraged to guard their own life and make good choices!

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You don't have to have all the answers, you just have to be willing to share what you know. Without getting into the details of why a forty-something adult isn't as effective as your peers, understand that your power of influence has the capacity to surpass mine. You have the trust of your friends. Maybe you have a lot of followers. Perhaps you just know how to talk to people. A lot of it boils down to the fact that peers make a difference.

According to the lawsuit, "From 2020 through 2022, Snapchat was involved in over 75 percent of the fentanyl poisoning deaths involving children between the ages of 13 to 18 and involving a dealer who was connected with the child via social media." (Learn More Here) The dealers, according to the lawsuit, would sell fatal fentanyl doses that were often counterfeit or disguised as prescription drugs.
Some of Snapchat's features that set it apart from other apps, like automatically deleted messages, are especially attractive to drug dealers, the lawsuit alleges, making illegal activities harder to track.

What parents and teachers should know